What’s Top Shelf Critic?

It all begins with an idea. How can we help consumers not waste time and show them quality products they are after. Why take the time out of your day when we have done the work for you. We made this site asking the question why settle for less. We have put hours into our research in the hope to find the perfect product for you.

Our Core Values

Our values

We make sure that we give results based purely on the quality of the product. This website was created in the idea to help consumers take back their time wasted in their search for products. We want you to be happy with what you buy.

How Top Shelf Critic is Funded?

Top Shelf Critic is an affiliate website that makes its money purely off commission of the sale. We make a flat percent from our affiliate programs no matter what you buy. So our intention is based in providing you quality products that make you captivated by our recommendations. If you want to learn more about our affiliate program click here to go to Amazon Associates.

Amazon Associates

If You Have Questions

If you have questions please click Contact. This will take you to our contact page so you can reach out to us. Thank you.